Romania Nuclear Energy RTM


In April 2023, The Webster Group (TWG) managed the Romania Civil Nuclear Energy Technologies Reverse Trade Mission (RTM) in Idaho Falls, ID and Washington, DC. This visit was funded by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA). The primary objective of this RTM was to support Romania’s civil nuclear energy modernization efforts and provide delegates with information about U.S. technologies and services related to civil nuclear technology procurements in Romania.  



TWG worked directly with USTDA and the FCS to obtain a list of delegates. Fourteen delegates participated in the RTM along with the two U.S. Foreign Commercial Specialists from Bucharest, Romania. The delegation included professionals from many areas of the Romanian civil nuclear industry. During the RTM, the delegates met with U.S. companies that provide civil nuclear energy technologies related to procurement opportunities in Romania as well as U.S. equipment suppliers and service providers, regulators, and others actively engaged in the provision of traditional nuclear technologies, nuclear waste storage, and small modular reactor (SMR) technology in the United States. The delegates also had meetings and site visits with technical organizations, trade associations, and community organizations that support the implementation of civil nuclear energy technologies. Representatives from the Departments of Commerce, Energy, and State, as well as the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory participated in a U.S Government Interagency Meeting. 

In Washington, DC, the RTM included a meet and greet with USTDA Director, Enoh Ebong, a meeting with several U.S. Government Agencies, a meet and greet  with the Atlantic Council, meetings at the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), a meeting and tour at the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC), and a roundtable discussion with the United States Nuclear Industry Council (USNIC). 

The meetings at NEI included several different panels, including one featuring professors from Texas A&M University, The George Washington University, University of Massachusetts Lowell, University of Michigan, Virginia Tech, and Wharton County (Texas) Junior College. The delegates also met with representatives from Deep Isolation, Curtiss Wright, Orano, EnergySolutions, North American Young Generation in Nuclear, Center for Energy Workforce Development, ASME, NuScale, and TerraPower. 

In Idaho, all meetings took place on the Idaho National Lab (INL) campus, with the exception of a community meeting and roundtable organized by Idaho Falls Mayor Rebecca Casper. The delegates met with representatives from many of the offices within INL, including the Technical Integration Office, Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program, MARVEL, Irradiated Fuels and Materials, SMRs & UAMPS, Gateway for Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN), Human System Simulation Laboratory, Measurement Science Laboratory, Energy Systems Laboratory, Distributed Energy and Grid Systems Integration Group, Experimental Systems, the Collaborative Computing Center, Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Research Division, the National Reactor Innovation Center, and the Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES). They also toured the Experimental Breeder Reactor (EBR-I) National Historical Monument, the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR), the Materials and Fuels Complex, the Hot Fuel Examination Facility, the Irradiated Materials Characterization Laboratory, and Transient Test Reactor (TREAT).


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